Battlefield 2042 Game Analysis

Joel GunnerJun 11, '21

Battlefield 2042 Game Trailer Analysis:

 Almost two decades on from the first Battlefield game instalment Battlefield 1942, released in 2002, we are transported a century to the futuristic, technologically invigorating and chaotic atmosphere that Battlefield 2042 has to offer; a world far removed from years past.

Following the somewhat timid reception to Battlefield V, we can be sure to expect the 2042 console game as a force about to blow us all out of the water. There is seldom a time when DICE have spent three years creating an element of the Battlefield saga, and being so used to victory and achievement the dejected response to Battlefield V will no doubt spur them on to make 2042 their best game yet. Alongside a plethora of new tech-noir and futuristic warfare titles like Cyberpunk 2077 the new instalment in the Battlefield saga has quite some competition. Can 2042 put up a fight?

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The five-minute-long action-packed trailer that we were treated to, (with that mid-air RPG stunt) suggests a fight is imminent. The cinematic masterpiece of a trailer we were treated to showcases the fantastically crisp detail of the latest Frostbite Engine; a sight certainly capable of kickstarting our hearts. DICE showcased a novel set of seven maps ranging in location from India to Egypt to Singapore with an associated conflict-based narrative in keeping with concerns of the contemporary world: nuclear arms, extreme weather conditions and proxy wars fought via private soldiers. Much like the destructible tower in Battlefield 4’s fabled Levelution map ‘Siege of Shanghai’ the arenas of 2042 look to be anything but stale and rigid with frenzied rocket launches and cataclysmic tornadoes adding yet another element to multiplayer gameplay, which Battlefield 2042 focuses on solely at the exclusion of a single-player campaign.

To the disappointment of some gaming fans, Battlefield 2042 will not encompass a Firestorm Battle Royale feature but instead, endeavours to introduce new riveting gaming styles, like Hazard Zone, that are rumoured to be closer to the epitome of what the Battlefield franchise stands for. In Firestorms place we gain larger, more expansive maps like the 5.9km2 Antarctic map Breakaway thus fulfilling the very definition of the word ‘Battlefield.’ In order to fill every corner of each map with bullets and action Battlefield 2042 supports servers capable of holding an all-out 128-man war when playing using the Xbox X and PS5 consoles; 2042 looks audaciously to be the first step in the next phase of electronic warfare. With development usually comes exclusion in some way, but not with Battlefield 2042, which chooses to retain the 64-man conflict we have grown accustomed to in recent years – no man gets left behind. More, a feature popular in older first-person shooters, AI-based opposition, is re-introduced in Battlefield 2042 ensuring further that the game has an appeal to all regardless of preference.

Battlefield 2042 aims to encourage the player to customise their soldier and their attendant loadout in a way similar to a sandbox title. The merging of sandbox and shooter presents opportunities allowing the player a chance to engage in all varieties of combat from close quarters to building to building firefights to long-range sniping. In particular, the in-game ability to chop and change a gun’s features, such as its stock and scope, simply revolutionises the gameplay experience. The 2042 game continues on the fundamental four classes: Assault, Support, Engineer and Recon yet develops upon each classes respected gadgets and conflict-technology with robot dogs, wingsuits and sentry guns looking to feature.



 We have been privy to the Oscar worthy performance DICE offered us through the trailer reveal but we are yet to see gameplay first-hand. If, like us, you are a gamer who is itching to see how Battlefield 2042 will look as you play, you can keep your eyes peeled for the gameplay reveal on Sunday 13th June. You can also pre-order the Battlefield 2042 game online by clicking the link here.


Written by Joel Gunner



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