You’ve likely heard about it; Techland’s action-RPG, post-apocalyptic, zombie horror-survival game Dying Light 2: Stay Human looms large in preparation for its February 4th release date. It’s been getting on four years since the game’s announcement at E3 2018, a time frame parallel to many of the memorable triple-AAA titles in the past decade. Ahead of that glorious cinematic trailer and the ‘A Place To Call Home’ gameplay peek released this week, we put our heads on the ground to give the dark and harrowing, but at the same time immensely pleasurable, game a shakedown before its launch to Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, and Xbox consoles.
Horizon Forbidden West Preview: GOTY Contender
Joel GunnerJan 1, '22
Arriving on 18th February 2022 comes Guerilla Games’ Decima-built publication Horizon Forbidden West, a sequel to the beloved Zero Dawn game which is somehow already five years old. If you haven’t yet played Zero Dawn, the PlayStation exclusive Horizon series is a supreme, unique, and sophisticated third-person action-RPG series based long after the near-entire annihilation of humanity. Mother Nature swoops back in to take her rightful place as Queen – but she isn’t the only force to be reckoned with.
Pokémon Legends: Arceus Preview - The Time Before Sinnoh
Joel GunnerDec 27, '21
Perhaps the most anticipated game in the Electric Games office is Pokémon Legends: Arceus, a convenient choice for it is one of the first games of the year to see release on the 28th of January. Arceus is in many ways a step up from Sword/Shield/Sun/Moon, possessing a fundamentally persuasive narrative propping the game up. The game is a blast from the past, returning to the roots of the Pokémon universe to commemorate 25 years of the fruitful series established in 1995. Though looking back, Game Freak returns to centre stage to ensure Arceus moves forward in a surprising but auspicious shift of direction, an action-RPG title acting as a (rather distant) prequel to Sinnoh-based 2006 Diamond and Pearl and the game’s subsequent 2021 remaster, Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl. We think Arceus is a welcome break from the norm, a product of ninth-gen tech used minimally to generate a simple, grass-roots game that hooks you from the outset. Let’s explore this for a second.
The Hidden Potential of Video Gaming
Joel GunnerDec 23, '21
Most are aware of the stereotype surrounding those immersed in the gaming industry; lazy, indolent, and uninspired individuals, hermits who lock themselves away from the outside world to get lost in something else at the disposal of all else. Needless to say, such stereotypes are erroneous and outdated; some of the most successful young entrepreneurs of today, KSI and the FaZe Clan for example, made their millions by launching from the platform of gaming. Besides, there are lazy, indolent, and uninspired people in all walks of life - not just gaming – one of the laws of statistics would guarantee that. A view more along the accepted lines is that the gaming industry is perhaps underutilised in ways outside of leisure, holding potential in many other branches of use.